Desired education

Financial Literacy for
High School

Financial Literacy for High School Students

One of the questions we get asked by students and adults alike is, “Why don’t they teach us this in school?” and it’s a great question. A lot of the financial knowledge that would be useful later in life isn’t prioritized in middle or high school – arguably, the most important time that these skills are needed.

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Students will begin to make money when they get their first job and without the tools to invest and save that money, they’re going to spend

Creating this habit early could lead to future credit card debt and could require students to take out loans to further their education. If they understood that an investment now could compound into unimaginable wealth, they would be making different decisions.

Student sitting on library floor reading

Financial education essentials aren't just about money.

It’s about teaching life skills that can greatly impact student’s future success. By providing students with a solid foundation and teaching them the delayed gratification that comes with financial education, we empower them to make informed decisions about money management, budgeting, and investing.

We feel so strongly that financial literacy education is crucial that we've created Earner's Academy to make up for the gaps in the system.

Many young adults enter adulthood without basic knowledge of personal finance, leading to poor financial choices and significant debt. By teaching financial literacy in high school, we can keep students off the street and help them avoid common pitfalls others succumb to.

Group of students huddled around a laptop
Dollar Sign

Teaching Financial Literacy isn't Just for Students. Moreover, teaching financial literacy benefits teachers as well.

all for the win

Educators play a vital role in shaping their students' lives beyond academics

By imparting financial knowledge, teachers become catalysts for positive change, inspiring students to take control of their financial futures. We believe this engagement fosters a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment among teachers, knowing they are making a lasting impact on their students’ lives.

Student and teacher in library
Student and teacher in library
Teacher pointing to students
Teacher pointing to students

Full Circle

Our Mantra is "Each one, teach one"

As educators teach these topics to their students in the classroom, they themselves are continuing their own education. That knowledge doesn’t stay inside of the classroom but permeates beyond the school’s walls into the communities that surround them.

What Matters

Building Stronger Communities​

More Responsible​

Communities also reap numerous benefits from financial literacy education. When students are equipped with sound financial knowledge, they become responsible consumers and contributors to the local economy.

Less Resources​

Communities are less likely to fall into debt or rely on public assistance programs, which ultimately reduces the burden on community resources. Financially literate individuals also tend to make better investment decisions, stimulating economic growth within their communities.

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Better Impact​

It not only benefits the students themselves by providing them with essential life skills, but it also empowers teachers to make a meaningful impact and strengthens communities as a whole. By instilling financial literacy at an early age, we are setting our students up for a successful and prosperous future.

Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

What training and assistance is offered to teachers?

Earner’s Academy offers curriculum training which is included in the membership package purchased by the school or district.

Teachers looking for additional training can sign up for any of the Earner’s Academy financial literacy teacher training programs.

What qualifications or skills are needed for a teacher to implement this curriculum?

The goal of Earner’s Academy is to have teachers and students learn alongside each other. Teachers do not need any prior training or experience to teach financial literacy using the Earner’s Academy curriculum.

The curriculum contains all the information and materials teachers need to lead each lesson and class discussions. Additionally, the included video lessons allow teachers to learn material along with their students.

Are there assessments built into the curriculum?

Yes, each unit is accompanied by 2-3 quizzes and 1 project

What teacher resources and material are provided with the curriculum?

The curriculum contains 6 units with 10-12 lessons each.

Each lesson includes:

  • Lesson Plan
  • Ready to use PowerPoint lesson slide deck
  • Accompanied video lesson with Earn Your Leisure
  • Student handouts
  • All supplemental resources

Each unit also includes 2-3 quizzes & 1 project.

How many credits does the curriculum equate to?

The Earners Academy financial literacy curriculum is designed to be used for a full year (2 semesters) course, equaling 1 credit.  However, the curriculum can be customized based on the needs of the school.

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